Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry at First United Methodist Church has been producing knitted and crocheted shawls and lapghans for the past three years. The comforting items have been distributed to our shut-ins, folks going through medical issues, nursing home residents, hospice patients and homeless shelters. Members of the group often buy their own supplies or use yarns donated to the group.
The group meets approximately every two weeks at a local restaurant at noon for lunch and then reconvene at the church to work on their current projects. In addition to the shawls and lapghans, scarves, hats, dishcloths, baby items and items to be added to the Christmas Child boxes are often the project of the day.
Everyone is welcome to join in the fellowship and mission. We would love to teach you to knit or crochet if you do not already have that skill.
For further information or the date and location of our next meeting, call the church at 330-833-8529.