Pictorial Directory Reminder
“Don’t forget to sign up to get your picture taken on Tuesday, November 6 or Wednesday, November 7 for our Pictorial Directory. You will receive a free 8×10 picture and a Pictorial Directory to take home. You can call Cathy Truemper at 330-268-2651 or register on-line.
To register on-line,
Go to www.ucdir.com.
- Click on box on the right side of the homepage entitled “click here to schedule your photography session”.
- Enter our church code oh2190
- Enter our church password united
- Click on the Enter button.
- Click on the desired photography date.
- Click on the Reserve Time button beside your desired appointment time.
- Enter the appropriate information in all of the required fields.
- Click on the Schedule Appointment button on the bottom of the screen.
- If you have more than six family members being photographed, please reserve two consecutive appointments!
- Print the screen to use as a reminder of your appointment.
- The website is locked down on the weekend from Saturday at 12:01 am to Monday at 12:01 am.
If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please call Cathy Truemper at 330-268-2651.