Pictorial Directory Reminder


“Don’t forget to sign up to get your picture taken on Tuesday, November 6 or Wednesday, November 7 for our Pictorial Directory.  You will receive a free 8×10 picture and a Pictorial Directory to take home.  You can call Cathy Truemper at 330-268-2651 or register on-line. 

 To register on-line,

Go to www.ucdir.com.

  1. Click on box on the right side of the homepage entitled “click here to schedule your photography session”.
  2. Enter our church code oh2190
  3. Enter our church password united
  4. Click on the Enter button.
  5. Click on the desired photography date.
  6. Click on the Reserve Time button beside your desired appointment time.
  7. Enter the appropriate information in all of the required fields.
  8. Click on the Schedule Appointment button on the bottom of the screen.
  9. If you have more than six family members being photographed, please reserve two consecutive appointments!
  10. Print the screen to use as a reminder of your appointment.
  11. The website is locked down on the weekend from Saturday at 12:01 am to Monday at 12:01 am.

If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please call Cathy Truemper at 330-268-2651.